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An invitation to Wisdom

On a recent grateful walk,
I celebrated the wisdom of
of the people, animals and nature
that is often overlooked.
I’ve been counseling kids and a six-year-old recently said to me,
“Peace can be found by the human spirit connecting.”
I asked him how he learned this and he said
“God told me”.
Another day, I was distracted by
someone’s nasty words
and was pulled out of the hurt
by focusing on Bella’s smile
and joyful invitation to play.
When we arrived home,
we sat and watched the caterpillars
nourish on milkweed.
I’ve learned that even though
the milkweed looks like it will be wiped out,
it comes back stronger with more blooms.
May today find you
letting go of any nastiness
by focusing on more important things
like listening to the wisdom of an old soul in a young body,
accepting the invitation to heal through play,
and celebrating the wisdom
that releasing all you have to serve your purpose
only makes you stronger.
-Jenny and Bella

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