On our recent grateful walk in Key West,
I smiled as Bella greeted a rooster on a bike
and then said gratitude for all the wisdom
we have learned from the friends on our path.
Iguanas have taught me to slow down,
find a shady tree and soak in the sun.
Chickens have reminded me to scratch beneath the surface
of my thoughts
to find what is underneath.
Conchs of remind me that while sometimes a hard shell is needed,
always stay soft inside.
Dogs have taught me about the true meaning of loyalty
and unconditional love
and Bella…
has also brought boundless joy, healing and ongoing wisdom.
May today find you overflowing in goodness
from all the different friends on your path.
-Jenny and Bella Grace
All images available on signed prints and canvases. Contact jenny@latitudegratitude.com to let us know what you would like 😀
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