“I am grateful for…” ring was created to help people create a positive trigger, learn to focus the mind, be more positive and create a positive difference for the future.
This high-quality stainless steel spinner ring features two surfaces that are able to move independently of each other. This is a great tool for increasing positive thinking and increasing a feeling of wellbeing.
How to create a positive trigger
Take the first ten minutes of your day to be in gratitude and combine it with spinning your gratitude ring. Wear your grateful ring throughout the day and whenever you notice something that you are grateful for spin your gratitude ring. Within about 30 days, your brain will pair spinning your ring with feelings of gratitude and automatically release gratitude each time you touch the ring. Since your feelings are faster than your thoughts, when you touch the ring, you will feel grateful and then your brain will look for reasons to prove you are right.
What is a trigger?
Have you ever heard a song and it took you back to a specific time in your past? Have you ever smelled coconuts and it reminded you of the beach? Your brain creates triggers from your senses that can bring back unconscious memories and feelings. Science shows that with awareness and conscious effort, you can create positive triggers to increase your immunity, boost positivity and help you to focus.
How do I create a trigger?
Research shows that we can create our own positive trigger by combining our thoughts and feelings with a visual/tactile reminder. It is as simple as spinning your gratitude ring while you feel grateful. As you continue to pair feelings of gratitude with the ring, your brain will release chemicals associated with gratitude when you wear your ring. As you practice building your trigger, you will find that touching the ring helps you become present to the moment and discover what is beautiful in that very moment.
Powerful times to train your brain
Science shows that the two most powerful times for your mind to be receptive is when you first wake up and right before you go to bed. In the morning, whatever you are thinking and feeling when you wake up is what your brain will look for the rest of the day to prove you right. If you wake up cranky, you will look for reasons to be cranky. If you wake up happy, your brain will look for reasons throughout the day for why you are happy. It can be compared to the Google of your brain. If you don’t change the search characteristics, it will keep searching for evidence of your last search. It is important to remember, that you have control over what your brain will look for throughout the day through conscious effort. The last ten minutes of our day are also quite powerful. Whatever you are thinking/feeling before bed, you will spend the next several hours working on it while you rest. If you are watching something that angers you before bed, your body will continue to process that anger while you sleep. Knowing that gratitude is one of the most healing chemicals for our bodies, take ten minutes before bed being in gratitude while also spinning the ring.
Powerful Transformations
The grateful ring has had a powerful impact. It has helped boost self-esteem and increases emotional intelligence in middle school and high school students, utilized to help juvenile probationers, been a powerful force in cancer, NA, AA and other support groups, used in commitment/marriage ceremonies, brought old friends back together, commemorated loved ones passing, brought work teams together and helped heal many hearts.
*We encourage that once you have created your trigger and notice your shift to a grateful perspective, to pass on your ring to share the gift of gratitude. Your heart will let you know when it is time.