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Grateful Walks — Nature RSS

Rise with the Sun

Guess who I discovered in the "Our Key West" magazine today? Bella! Here is what it says -  Grateful Walks - Rise with the Sun On our morning grateful walk, I choose to rise with the sun by allowing my heart to seek beauty around me and within me. If my mind wanders to the past, I look back with gratitude for the wisdom acquired. If my mind reaches for the future, I look forward in faith. When I stay in the moment, I thank Bella for being my joyful companion, the music of the waves for calming my heart, the birds for reminding me to let my soul soar, and the rays of light for reminding me that the...

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Tiny yet strong

On today's grateful walk, I wondered why Key West locals are called conchs. As Bella and I walked along, I realized just like conchs, Key West locals have beautifully decorated homes that are tiny yet strong. When you listen closely, conch shells and locals both will sing you songs of the sea. Key West understands sometimes you have outgrown your shell and invites you to leave behind what no longer serves your journey to welcome new beginnings.And, when you stay long enough -you are gifted to go beyond the outer shelland discover the gifts that lie within. -May a song of the sea make your heart smile today-May you know that even though not everyone understands your growth, there are...

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You are nurtured

On our gratitude walk today,I felt gratitude for the sweet delights of lifelike the bananas, mangos and flowers which have all been lovingly nurtured by many energies to provide nourishmentto bodies, hearts and souls.I thanked the unknown person who thoughtfully planted the seedthat grew into the massive mango tree in my backyard.I thanked the sun, rain and soilfor working together to grow the banana tree that always brings me a smile.I thanked the flowers that have been released for dancing with the windto bring beauty onto our path.And then something happened…Tears came to my eyes as my heart rememberedhow we are always being nurtured by many different energiesand unknown forces. My mind quietedand then humbly bowed in gratitudeas she let...

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Lean in

On our grateful walk, I noticed a flower leaning into the sun. I smiled at nature’s wisdom to receive the support readily available to help us grow if we just lean in. I thought about how many times I have been afraid to move past the manmade structures that have blocked me from the light. I take responsibility that I stayed in the shadows long enough to believe the lie that I am not worthy merely because I grow best not in the original pot I was planted in but as a wildflower free in the field. It was in owning that I have a wildflower heart, I found the faith to lean in to what helps me grow and...

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