Before our morning grateful walk,
I read a reflection:
A shaman answers:
"What is poison?
- Anything beyond what we need is poison.
It can be power, laziness, food, ego, ambition, vanity, fear, anger, or whatever.
- What is fear?
Non-acceptance of uncertainty
If we accept uncertainty, it becomes an adventure.
What is envy?
- No acceptance of good in the other.
If we accept good, it becomes inspiration.
What is anger?
- No acceptance of what is beyond our control.
If we accept, it becomes tolerance.
What is hate?
- Non-acceptance of people as they are
If we accept unconditionally, it becomes love."
May today reflect back to you:
-You are loved
-You are alive for a reason
-The world needs you here
Thank you for all the good you do
-Jenny and Bella
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