On our sunrise grateful walk yesterday,
I said gratitude for the sun rising
to let go of the darkness of the past.
May today find you letting go
of any darkness of the past
allowing your light within
to rise, shine and brighten
all that come upon your path.
-Jenny and Bella
On our grateful walk this morning,
I sat humbled with Bella
as my heart translated
the love and wisdom of Mother Nature.
She spoke of compassion with pink rays,
shined light through the shadows and
sent love through a heart-shaped cloud.
May today find
your mind quieting
to hear the heart’s translation
of life.
-Jenny and Bella
On our grateful walk, I took notice of my critical voice. For the first time, I allowed myself to sit with her in compassion. From this perspective, I became aware of why I still entertained her presence as this voice feels she can give me something to do to feel safe, liked and loved. My critical voice judges my appearance according to model standards yet that is not my profession and has nothing to do with what I find truly beautiful in someone. While I can appreciate the wrapping, it is the gifts on the inside that holds true beauty to me. My critical voice has judged my worth according to my bank account and materialistic possessions yet I’ve discovered...
There are no combination of words
that I've found to describe
witnessing a wounded heart
remember its sacredness again
when finding purpose in the pain,
peace in the chaos
and love in the lesson.