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Grateful Walks RSS

Rise with the Sun

Guess who I discovered in the "Our Key West" magazine today? Bella! Here is what it says -  Grateful Walks - Rise with the Sun On our morning grateful walk, I choose to rise with the sun by allowing my heart to seek beauty around me and within me. If my mind wanders to the past, I look back with gratitude for the wisdom acquired. If my mind reaches for the future, I look forward in faith. When I stay in the moment, I thank Bella for being my joyful companion, the music of the waves for calming my heart, the birds for reminding me to let my soul soar, and the rays of light for reminding me that the...

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Overflowing Blessings

On a recent grateful walk to the West Martello Fort, Bella and I sat and watched nature overcome the wallsbuilt by man as a means of protection from the darkness of humanity.I thought about how I have createdwalls around my heartto keep out the darkness of humanityand no matter how high I have built them,goodness always finds a waypast my barriers.May today find blessings spilling over any walls your heart may have builtand your heart swimming in goodness.-Jenny and Bella

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Swimming with the soul

On a recent grateful walk with Bella,  she reminded me that to leave the irritations of my mind, I’ve got to delve into  the sea of my heart  and remember that my soul knows  how to navigate  the depths of my emotions so I can  dive down to reclaim the long-lost treasures in me.   May today find you  leaving behind the irritations that was a necessary part in creating your pearls of wisdom to treasure the beauty that has been formed in you. -Jenny and Bella

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