When I turned around from taking this picture of the sunrise on our morning grateful walk, I noticed several police cars surrounding around twenty men near the picnic bench where Bella hunts for iguanas. As everyone was peaceful, I wondered if there had been an accident but it turned out that these men had just arrived in a tiny, homemade boat from Cuba. A man shared that as they came ashore they yelled out in celebration and someone called the police. As I stood in awe of the courage, faith and hope these men shared together as they risked their lives through 90 miles of the recent stormy seas to find a way out of oppression, a man in his...
On our grateful walk at the Sugarloaf bridge,I offered gratitude for the courage to leave the well worn pathways of my mindto plunge intothe unexplored beauty of my heart.I’ve discovered my mind had become an unhealthy servant tofollowing belief pathways that I was taught and not that I had created.Built from fear,these pathways built outside of the heartwere taught to me to keep me “safe” from the darkness of this worldnot to teach me to free me from it.The irony of it is leaving the heartis what causes the darkness of the worldand in me following alongon fearful pathwaysI was led into my own shadows.In an effort to find a way out of my darkness,I followed artificial lightsthat offer ways...
On our recent grateful walks,
I’ve been feeling blessed to see
rainbows several days in a row.
I thought about how rainbows are formed by
light reflecting off the inside of a droplet of rain
allowing the human eye to see
the different wavelengths of beauty
that exist inside every drop of water.
It reminds me that even though we are all
small droplets in this sea of life,
when we shine our inner light,
transformations of beauty
happen right before our eyes.
May today find you
shining your light
and resonating with
wavelengths of beauty
so powerful
that tears of joy fill your eyes
and gratitude overflows your heart.
-Jenny and Bella
On our grateful walk,as we encountered lizards, cats, crabs, birds, and beesthat are often on our path,I became overcome by the thoughtof how little I know about the world.I had no idea what the name ofthe tiny, white crab smaller than a dime was,why Bella was unafraid of the land crab bearing his claws,why the egret was fluffing his feathers and wingsor who had walked before me on the paththat Bella was free to runand joyfully explore.The wisdom of this humblenessled me back into a world of wonderwhere I experience life as it isbefore judging it.I realized I had unintentionally cut off the world of wonderas walls were created around my heartby the weight of the stories of the pastand...
On our sunrise grateful walk yesterday,
I said gratitude for the sun rising
to let go of the darkness of the past.
May today find you letting go
of any darkness of the past
allowing your light within
to rise, shine and brighten
all that come upon your path.
-Jenny and Bella